Vaseline Beauty Uses

Hello my beauties

If someone asks me one beauty product that I cannot live without …. my answer would be Vaseline without a doubt. Vaseline has been acting as my life saver for five years. I have been using it for few different purposes and I have listed them down below for you girls.

1. Moisturizer for nails and cuticles

It is a great moisturizer for the nail cuticles. Apply them on nails and cuticles before bed. It will keep them away from dehydrating.

2. As a lip balm

I have been using different lip balms for quite sometime. One day I woke up with irritated lips. I had a little rash on my lips and it was dehydrating my lips. My lips started to look awful. My friends recommended me different lip balms. I tried all of those and spent almost more than $100 dollars for different brands within 2 weeks of time frame. Nothing worked for me. One night, I thought of putting Vaseline because I didn’t have any other options. Next day, I woke up with some what smooth lips. I’m not lying girls. It was a miracle. Ever since, I have been using Vaseline for my lips. It does wonders to my lips. I put it every day before I apply lipstick on my lips. It keeps my lips hydrate. Just trust me on this. You won’t regret

3. Moisturizer for hands and feet

If you want a smooth skin like a baby, here is how you should do it. Put Vaseline on your palm and on your feet and massage for a little bit. Then, put on some socks and go to sleep. You will wake up with smoothest well hydrated skin.

4. Healing balm after threading

I always put Vaseline on my threaded eyebrows and upper lip after cleaning my face. It makes the skin calm down after the threading.

Those are the ones that I have used and got good results. Some people use Vaseline for following reasons.

• To moisturize dry hair

• Keep the perfume from fading

• For minor cuts

• To prevent acne

Let me know if you use Vaseline for other purposes. I hope this article helps you my beautiful ladies.