How to get rid of sweaty armpits

Ever wonder how to get rid of underarm odor. I am going to share my big secret with you guys ..

we are brown people born to sweat.. in a good side, it is a good thing to detox by sweating, but we all should learn how to control underarm odor. We only need two ingredients for this

1. Baking soda

2. Few drops of lemon 🍋

Make a paste with baking soda and lemon.. make the paste as it doesn’t run off once you apply it to the skin. Get the paste ready.

Then, clean your armpits and dry them with a clean piece of clothing. Next, apply the paste evenly and let it dry for at least 30 minutes. Once it is dried, damp the applied paste with little bit of water and gently scrub and take it off.

If you can do this before going out, you will not have that bad odor from your armpits. Try it and let me know your thoughts.