Hair Mask

Hair Mask

Hello my beauties !!!

We all brown girls are famous of having beautiful hair. It is our identity. Therefore, we should take care of it. Today, I am going to introduce my hair mask which I use once a week to all of you. I hope it will help you guys to have a soft and shiny hair.

Driving factor to for me to use this mask is my hair got very dry recently and I started loosing lots of hair, so I wanted to do something to prevent it and have a beautiful hair. Here is what I did…..

What needed

1. One egg

2. Organic Coconut oil – amount depend on the hair length

3. Vitamin E oil 1 tbsp


Eggs are rich in Vitamins, proteins and fatty acids. Therefore, egg protein helps rebuild damaged hair. It makes hair softer and shiner. Also, it makes hair more resistant to damage. Egg yolk moisturizers dry hair very well while behaving as a natural conditioner. Researchers have proved that eggs helps hair growth due to its unique combination of vitamins.

Coconut Oil

Oil moisturizes the hair and prevent breakage. Coconut oil stimulates hair growth and it adds a shine to the hair. Coconut oil promotes the scalp health which minimize dandruff and other scalp issues. We recommend using organic coconut oil for this hair mask.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E’s antioxidant properties help to repair the damage hair and prevent future damages. Vitamin E stimulates hair growth through regulating blood circulation.


Cracked the egg and get the yolk in to a bowl.

Heat up the organic coconut oil for 2 min using low temperatures.

Add coconut oil and vitamin E to the egg yolk and mix them using a folk until you have a smooth consistency.

section your hair (which helps to apply mask evenly) and apply the mask from top to bottom of your hair

Let it sit for 30 mins

Wash it away with your shampoo and conditioner. It is okay to shape twice to get rid off smells.

Recommend to let the hair air dry

You will notice the added shine after one use. We recommend using this mask once a week to have a beautiful hair.