Face mask to get rid of summer tan

Let’s be honest here…

we all like to go to beach and play around, but we are so worried to get tan..

Don’t let getting tan be a reason for you to stay away from beach …

let me tell you my secret DIY to get rid of tan


Turmeric 1tsp

Lemmon 5-6 drops

Add them together and make it a paste. Wash and pat dry your face. Apply the mask in a thin layer and leave it for 10-15 mins. Wash it off with cold water. This mask can leave your skin yellowish. You can leave it like that if you are staying at home, but if you want to remove that, you can rub some toner or some fresh milk on your face to remove that yellow color from your skin. Otherwise, when you wash it off next morning with your cleanser, it will be gone.

To get rid of the full tan, you should use this 2 times a week for at least 3 weeks.

Alright ladies!! Try this out and let me know how this works for you …

How to get rid of sweaty armpits

Ever wonder how to get rid of underarm odor. I am going to share my big secret with you guys ..

we are brown people born to sweat.. in a good side, it is a good thing to detox by sweating, but we all should learn how to control underarm odor. We only need two ingredients for this

1. Baking soda

2. Few drops of lemon 🍋

Make a paste with baking soda and lemon.. make the paste as it doesn’t run off once you apply it to the skin. Get the paste ready.

Then, clean your armpits and dry them with a clean piece of clothing. Next, apply the paste evenly and let it dry for at least 30 minutes. Once it is dried, damp the applied paste with little bit of water and gently scrub and take it off.

If you can do this before going out, you will not have that bad odor from your armpits. Try it and let me know your thoughts.

Once a Week Facial Treatment for Acne Prone Skin

Once a Week Facial Treatment for Acne Prone Skin

Hello beautiful people, 

Hope you all are ready for the beautiful summer. Today, I am going to talk about a treatment that I have tested myself. This is a treatment that you can do at home using the products that you already have. I will do a list of Products that I use for this treatment as my next post. There are 7 steps for this treatment, And each step has a unique benefit for your skin. I recommend following all the steps. Okay, let’s start

  1. Cleanse your face. 

You need to cleanse your face with a face wash that use for acne. This is the first step of cleaning our faces. Mainly, it cleans the surface layer of the skin. It removes pollutants, oil, dirt and helps to unclog the pores. 

2. Scrub or steam 

Then use a mild scrub and scrub your face for 3,4 minutes. This helps to open up pores, removes dead skin and make your skin looks fresh. Please don’t over do it because it will make your skin very dry. we don’t want that because believe me or not it causes more acne. 

       If you have active acne, don’t scrub your skin. Steam for 7,8 minutes instead using a face steamer or bowl of hot water. 

3. Apply a Clay detox mask

Next step is putting on your clay mask. Clay mask is my life saver. Clay masks have detoxing properties which means it has ability to pull oil, bacteria and other dirt from the skin. It also minimize the appearance of pores. I usually leave my clay mask for 10 minutes. These detoxing masks can dehydrate our skin that’s why next steps are pretty important. You may apply clay masks for couple times during the week, but make sure to moisturize your skin after every use. 

Now our faces are pretty clean. Let’s treat them.

4. Apply a hydrating sheet mask

This step is to hydrate the clean skin. Sheet masks can do some magic too. They can moisturize our skin pretty well. I leave my sheet mask for 20 minutes. This is a very important step and don’t ignore doing this.

5. Massage on top of the sheet mask

When you remove your sheet mask massage your face little bit. I will post more massaging techniques in the future. This will help the blood circulation to the facial skin tissues. This is very important and it will prevent aging.

6. Toner

Next, we should use a toner to close all the open pores. Toner is a very important to prevent acne. Lots of people neglect this step for some reason. I was one of them while ago. Once, I heard what kind of a difference it could make on our skin, I started using it. It mainly closes the open pores. Also, toner restore skin’s pH balance, it act as moisturizer and it adds an extra layer of protection. Please please please don’t forget this step.

7. Serum and moisturizer 

Last step is applying a serum and a moisturizer. There are different type of serums, so choose something that address your concerns. Use a moisturizer that does clog your pores. 

Ta Da, you just completed your own home facial. Please let me know how it works. Also, if you are using some more steps please let us know in comments. I hope you all have a beautiful week.  <3 <3

Vaseline Beauty Uses

Hello my beauties

If someone asks me one beauty product that I cannot live without …. my answer would be Vaseline without a doubt. Vaseline has been acting as my life saver for five years. I have been using it for few different purposes and I have listed them down below for you girls.

1. Moisturizer for nails and cuticles

It is a great moisturizer for the nail cuticles. Apply them on nails and cuticles before bed. It will keep them away from dehydrating.

2. As a lip balm

I have been using different lip balms for quite sometime. One day I woke up with irritated lips. I had a little rash on my lips and it was dehydrating my lips. My lips started to look awful. My friends recommended me different lip balms. I tried all of those and spent almost more than $100 dollars for different brands within 2 weeks of time frame. Nothing worked for me. One night, I thought of putting Vaseline because I didn’t have any other options. Next day, I woke up with some what smooth lips. I’m not lying girls. It was a miracle. Ever since, I have been using Vaseline for my lips. It does wonders to my lips. I put it every day before I apply lipstick on my lips. It keeps my lips hydrate. Just trust me on this. You won’t regret

3. Moisturizer for hands and feet

If you want a smooth skin like a baby, here is how you should do it. Put Vaseline on your palm and on your feet and massage for a little bit. Then, put on some socks and go to sleep. You will wake up with smoothest well hydrated skin.

4. Healing balm after threading

I always put Vaseline on my threaded eyebrows and upper lip after cleaning my face. It makes the skin calm down after the threading.

Those are the ones that I have used and got good results. Some people use Vaseline for following reasons.

• To moisturize dry hair

• Keep the perfume from fading

• For minor cuts

• To prevent acne

Let me know if you use Vaseline for other purposes. I hope this article helps you my beautiful ladies.

Hair Mask

Hair Mask

Hello my beauties !!!

We all brown girls are famous of having beautiful hair. It is our identity. Therefore, we should take care of it. Today, I am going to introduce my hair mask which I use once a week to all of you. I hope it will help you guys to have a soft and shiny hair.

Driving factor to for me to use this mask is my hair got very dry recently and I started loosing lots of hair, so I wanted to do something to prevent it and have a beautiful hair. Here is what I did…..

What needed

1. One egg

2. Organic Coconut oil – amount depend on the hair length

3. Vitamin E oil 1 tbsp


Eggs are rich in Vitamins, proteins and fatty acids. Therefore, egg protein helps rebuild damaged hair. It makes hair softer and shiner. Also, it makes hair more resistant to damage. Egg yolk moisturizers dry hair very well while behaving as a natural conditioner. Researchers have proved that eggs helps hair growth due to its unique combination of vitamins.

Coconut Oil

Oil moisturizes the hair and prevent breakage. Coconut oil stimulates hair growth and it adds a shine to the hair. Coconut oil promotes the scalp health which minimize dandruff and other scalp issues. We recommend using organic coconut oil for this hair mask.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E’s antioxidant properties help to repair the damage hair and prevent future damages. Vitamin E stimulates hair growth through regulating blood circulation.


Cracked the egg and get the yolk in to a bowl.

Heat up the organic coconut oil for 2 min using low temperatures.

Add coconut oil and vitamin E to the egg yolk and mix them using a folk until you have a smooth consistency.

section your hair (which helps to apply mask evenly) and apply the mask from top to bottom of your hair

Let it sit for 30 mins

Wash it away with your shampoo and conditioner. It is okay to shape twice to get rid off smells.

Recommend to let the hair air dry

You will notice the added shine after one use. We recommend using this mask once a week to have a beautiful hair.